Animated Documentary
'In 2007, IDFA organised a programme to focus attention on a unique yet controversial category: the animated documentary. How can animation be documentary? Does such a thing as the animated documentary even exist? Film journalist and animation enthusiast Kees Driessen thinks so.
When you think of documentaries, you think of realism, reality, of going outside and capturing what’s going on in the world. Animation pre-eminently falls under the domain of fantasy, of imagination, of staying inside and painstakingly inventing a world, frame by frame. But just as there are different forms of documentaries, animation is more than just talking mice. Just as the boundary between documentary and feature film is not always so clear-cut, there is also an overlap between documentary and animation.
The question as to what an animated documentary is and whether it really exists, or should be able to exist, cannot be answered without knowing what a documentary is – an issue that leads to many discussions at IDFA each year. This year, the films in the animation programme will only serve to intensify those discussions.' Read More