Camera Less Film
At workshops at the Cube Microplex in Bristol we looked at 'Camera Less Film' and 'Expanded Cinema', visiting the projection room, learning about Film formats, 8mm, 16mm, 35mm, Imax and Digital Cinema. Looked at a range of Film makers including Spanish Experimental Films - 'Exp no 1' and 'Exp 2' by Joaquim Puigvert and Pintura 1962 -63 by Ton Sierra. We made our own 'scratch'/ 'camera less' film on 16mm.
Below are links to related film makers working in this field, including: Len Lye, Noman McLaren and Stan Brakhage. Plus examples of the technique used in feature films, most notably title sequence for 'Seven' and '24 hour party people'.
Filmed in Tate Liverpool
like a moth to a flame
Cameraless Film Art - Vimeo Channel - Animated art created (drawn, painted, scratched) directly on film
This is the intro credits scene for Michael Winterbottom's "24 Hour Party People"(2002),a movie about the rise and fall of Factory Records(1978),founded by Tony Wilson(20.2.1950-10.8.2007)in Manchester, and music bands and events that happened around them. The song is Happy Mondays' one that named the movie.
This experimental short film by Norman McLaren is a playful exercise in intermittent animation and spasmodic imagery. Playing with the laws relating to persistence of vision and after-image on the retina of the eye, McLaren engraves pictures on blank film creating vivid, percussive effects. Directed by Norman McLaren - 1955