This strand here features various types of films/ works that explore this vast area including Interactive Art, Interactive Documentary, Interactive film, interactive videos …




Interactive media, also called interactive multimedia, any computer-delivered electronic system that allows the user to control, combine, and manipulate different types of media, such as text, sound, video, computer graphics, and animation.’ - Definition from

Installation by Ben Hurst - University Centre Weston

Installation by Ben Hurst - University Centre Weston

Marcel Duchamp, Bicycle Wheel (1913)

Marcel Duchamp, Bicycle Wheel (1913)

We can use many different devices for the audience to interact with the work, including camera’s, microphones, switches, light sensors… and should explore options outside of simple mouse or keyboard.

See Pete West’s slides for an overview of some input / output devices you could explore.

Interactive Art

‘Interactive art describes art that relies on the participation of a spectator’ - Tate

See Interactive Art page here for more examples and an intro to some early works.

Pervasive Media

Pervasive Media studiohomepage_web.jpg

The Pervasive Media Studio, based at The Watershed in Bristol gives these explanations:

“The simple explanation:

Pervasive Media is basically any experience that uses sensors and/or mobile/wireless networks to bring you content (film, music, images, a game…) that’s sensitive to your situation – which could be where you are, how you feel, or who you are with. Oyster Cards are a simple pervasive device: so are audio guides at tourist attractions, which can give you extra information according to where you are and which bits you’ve been to already.”

The more complex explanation:

Pervasive Media is Digital Media delivered into the fabric of real life and based on the situational context at the moment of delivery

The two defining features of Pervasive Media are:

1. Uses technology to understand something about the situation and respond based on that information;
2. Uses digital media to augment (bridge) the physical environment, and vice versa.

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The Pervasive Media Studio hosts a brilliant community of over 100 artists, creative companies, technologists and academics exploring experience design and creative technology. It is a collaboration between WatershedUniversity of Bristol and University of West of England.

Their website has a good archive of projects: including Playable city below:

Pervasive Media Studio - Lunchtime Talks

The Pervasive Media Studio hold Lunchtime talks each Friday at the studio, many of these you can also watch on the Watershed Youtube channel, see examples below

Other projects/ artists to look at include: