Jack Bailey

About Me

Howdy, I’m me, guy on the left. I’m someone who stumbled into being a film maker by pure chance. Though now that I’m here, I’ve awoken a hidden passion for being a creative. Within the film industry, I want to see myself become someone who can proficiently work independently as a DoP and cameraman. In college, I spent most of my time developing skills in all categories of film to give myself a general understanding of what cogs make the machine turn. It was only in university that I decided to dedicate myself to camera operation.

My first introduction to the world of film was in secondary school. I joined Film Studies for my GCSEs and achieved a B in it. Through it I learnt about the various camera angles, archetypes and film terminology. I later got onto a film course for college. This is where I slowly fell further and further in the film world. Short films, music videos, multi-camera setups and animation. All these where looked into during my time there. After two years, I left college with a Distinction grade and high hopes to where I’d take myself. I landed on taking a path into university where I now continue my studies into film production.

Films and Projects

Residential Film

One Location

Experimental Media Project


Other Videos I’ve Created