Jack Bailey

About Me

Howdy! I'm Jack, a dedicated director of photography, camera operator, and colorist with a deep passion for storytelling through the lens. My journey in the world of film and photography is driven by a fascination with the complexities of human behaviour, and I specialise in bringing darker, more nuanced stories to life.

When I'm not behind the camera, you can find me diving into the latest tech innovations, binge-watching anime, or exploring the depths of dark, thought-provoking stories. I'm passionate about pushing the boundaries of visual storytelling and creating cinematic experiences that resonate on a profound level.


Films and Projects

Third Year

Final Major Project

Exploratory Project


Second Year

Experimental Media Project

One Location


Showreel 2023/2024

Showreel 2022/2023

Other Films I’ve Worked On






About Me

My name is Louis Bastin and I am an inspiring Director, Editor and general Film creator.

My three true passions are hiphop, Cars and filmmaking, so my goal is to combine these elements and create music videos and car edits for clients around the world.

Currently I am studying at University Centre Weston, which is chapter one but I have dreams of moving to America, to live out these passions to the full extent.


Films and Projects

Everyday Activity Short Film


Experimental Media Project


Other Videos I’ve Created


About Moi

I am just an aspiring filmmaker and a student at University Centre of Weston currently studying a film degree. I have particular interests in many subjects of the film industry but more closely to any experimental, weird, out there projects. The films that intrigue me the most to work on are ones that have the potential to make a positive impact and are meaningful. I am open minded and constantly learning about important topics, and having active conversations with people.

Films and Projects


Everyday Activity Short Film

My idea originated when i was walking home in the evening and felt unsafe and weirdly 'unarmed' and was imagining someone attacking me, that caused me to feel really anxious the whole way home. I understand that a lot of people feel unsafe when walking alone and wanted to highlight how it effects girls every-time they try walking alone in the evening. Throughout the duration of the short film i want to dramatise the sound of her heartbeat and other noises like that to emphasise how quiet and eerie the night is. The deep meaning is that our anxiety can make things seem a lot worse than the situation actually is. Our imagination can attack us in ways we don't even realise we're doing and i hope all of these messages reached the audience.



My intention was for this documentary to mean different things to different people. I hoped that each person took something from it, whether it be someone seeing it thinking i should be more careful with what words I use, or they see this and relate to it and find comfort in the film. The documentary is about self-love and body image and i believe younger girls are susceptible to seeing photos of unrealistic body types and believe that, that is hat everyone looks like however not everyone is shaped the same. I hope that my documentary will reach someone who is struggling and watches this and it aids at least 1 person in the direction of seeing things in a different view. I hope they question everything they see on their feed and learn more about this topic, for the better of them and their mental health.


Experimental Media Project

This film is about the ‘new normal’ and how during Covid our normal kept changing and everyday felt the same. Kind of represents how some people started to feel after being locked inside for so long. The idea had changed last minute and i prefer it so much more but this was the original idea which was a non-linear narrative that focuses on different parts of a girl's morning routine under the theme of 'isolation'. This is a series of acts captured on video presented as a multi channel installation on how crazy this girl is during and after isolation. It presents how unconventional she seems. It has a spin on the 'new normal' and the need to fit in.



The main reason i wanted to create this scrapbook was for myself. I saw it as a way of deeper understanding myself and how my brain works as i struggle to get thoughts and feelings into words, i guess that is why im a film student. I flourish in create environments and so this scrapbook being created whilst filming it and submitting it as a film for a brief felt naughty like im cheating. But to enjoy something doesn't mean its wrong to do so.


Short Film

There was a lot of idea development and brainstorming however the root of this idea was more deeply about myself and my mental health. I struggle with disassociation/ derealisation... all of that jazz. Which in simple terms in my experience with disassociation i feel disconnected from reality 24/7 and in a way i am constantly trying to feel more connected to my self and earth. This film walks though all the tasks i try to do to make me feel more conscious and at some points in the video i will appear to be giving up and in others i go to weird lengths to feel connected. I suppose the main goal of this video is to help others understand what i am going through and in a way to help me understand myself. I hope it reaches someone that can relate to this and feel as though they aren't alone and that others are going thought similar things. Something about this project idea is that people will have their own connection to it and relate it to their own lives and experiences which is very powerful and amazing right?!

Video Block
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Kiran France

About Me

My name is Kiran, and I’m an aspiring screenwriter. I love to make videos and be creative, and I love engaging with my audience. I am passionate about all forms of Media and I love the work I do. My beginning in media studies goes back to when I studied it at Priory for two years, before joining Weston College and studying Media Production for three years before arriving at UCW. I believe that the media is a great tool that can inspire people, bring audiences together and create a new sense of wonder amongst the many communities in the world. During my second year, I have grown more fond of and insightful into the less well-known aspects of the industry and I have grown more independent in the style of work I choose to focus on.

My inspirations include Aaron Sorkin, Steven Spielberg, Martin Scorcese and Bo Burnham. My favourite films are Furious 7, Fight Club, The Social Network, Avengers Endgame and plenty more. I have taken the roles of producer, screenwriter, actor, editor and cameraman in my time during my studies and I grown well to overcome my anxiety and develop my identity through my work.


Films and Projects

Everyday Activity Short Film


Experimental Media Project

Other Videos I’ve Created

My showreel for 2021.

My first piece I created for Year Two - Myself.

My second piece: Inner Monologue.

Our group short film project, I Remember. I served as First AD and Screenwriter on the project.

My final piece of Year Two - Mandela Effect.

Showreel 2022

My work for Lens-Based Media (2022-2023)

My Initial Project concept

My final project for UCW


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About Me

I studied and gained a media studies
GCSE at school and a level 3 diploma
in film at Weston college.
I've always been interested in drama
and musical theatre which I believe
has helped me along the way with
confidence. I've been motivated to try
a variety of roles throughout these
past years, these including: Editor
and Camera Operator. I've gained
a vast amount of knowledge and
experience from these roles which will
help me in the future.


Films and Projects

Everyday Activity Short Film

This was the first film i produced at UCW. I transferred from a different university to UCW in November so i was a little behind on the work. With the time i had left i produced a film about mornings. I wanted to create an aesthetically pleasing film which is why i have colour graded it to be blue.


I made a documentary on something i am passionate about - The Beatles. I wanted to invlove my family as it gives a personal touch and gives it an edge against any other Beatles documentary

Experimental Media Project

This was the first animation project i had ever done. I wanted to have a go as animated films interest me and to have that skill myself would be great to have when going into the industry. I had to do lots of research and practicing to be able to produce this film.

Other Videos I’ve Created

This was a music video i produced for my enjoyment only, it was not a university project. I had been inspired to produce a musivc video for a while to a Beatles song. I wanted to practice my camera and editing skills and this was the perfect opportunity.


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About Me

I’m a student at UCW currently studying Film and Media Productions in my third year.

I previously studied on level 2 and level 3 Film and Media production at Weston College. Level 2 was only for 1 year and as I didn’t have any film knowledge before going to college (there was a subject of any sort at my secondary school) I only got a pass. I didn’t think media was the right subject to be doing for me but I kept doing it and moved onto level 3. I started to enjoy it more and got my first merit grade when I did the trailer project, and after that my work improved with projects such as Music Video, Multi-Cam Show and Journalism.

Unfortunately, I couldn’t finish my FMP because of COVID-19 and lockdown so our final grade would be based on all our previous work. I thought I was going to get at least a merit, but I got a distinction instead which is one of my most proudest achievements to date.

Now I’m at UCW (University of Centre Weston) studying film and media production and continuing my journey to becoming a professional film maker.

From the 2 years on this course for my Foundation Degree, I got a Merit with 69.38%. Even though I was 0.62% from getting a Distinction I’m still proud about the grade I got. Now I’ll be going to do the third year for my Batchelor’s Degree.



Films and Projects

Major Project

This is my Final Major Project of being in UCW. This is an Experimental Video Installation called Day-to-Day, it shows everyday life of not just myself but also the world around us and it is meant to be looped to show it being repeated. This Installation was shown at the Cube Cinema in Bristol and the We Are Super Offices in the Sovereign Centre Weston.

Your Choice Short Experimental Film

This was the third and final project for Independent Practice called Your Choice. We were allowed to do whatever we wanted and I went with doing an Experimental short film all about Liminal Spaces. This has some brief information at the start then goes to a compilation of Liminal Space Pictures that I took over the space of 2 months. This Experimental is called The Art of Liminal Spaces.

I Remember - Short Film Production/Group Project

For this Project, we had to individually research, develop and pitch an idea for a short film to be shot at a place in South Wales, only one idea would get chosen. Kam’s idea got chosen and we would be producing a short film called My Brothers Keeper (later changed to I remember) and my job roles were Production Assistant, Clapper and Data Wrangler. Things get quite complicated after that but all is explained on my Weebly.

Weston College Winter Wonderland Variety Show 2021

This was a project that I helped with alongside Joe Miller (Lecturer in Performing Arts) and also helped out with my Collaborative Work-Based Practice. This was Weston Colleges yearly Variety Show for year 1 and 2 performing arts, this time taking place on The Grand Pier. What we were meant to do was a multi-cam for this show but many things happened (covid related and such) which ended up with me filming with only 1 C100 there then edited it all before the Christmas holidays. The video below is a rough draft the Joe wanted, there were some errors but can get fixed once I get the chance.

No Dialogue Short Film

This was the second project for Independent Practice called No Dialogue. What we had to do was to produce a short film that contains No Dialogue or Human Voices, it must also include at least 3 separate locations and cannot have any handheld camera shots (so it must all be on tripod only). I decided to make this about a person trying to draw a picture of what he’s seeing on the computer so he goes out to find his own picture, little does he know that this will just go full circle. This short film is called The Picture.

One Location Short Film (With/Without Voiceover)

This was my first project coming into the 2nd year of UCW and the first project for Independent Practice called Psychological Landscapes. What we had to do was to create a short film that is only shot in one location and it has to be personal to you. I chose to make it about myself getting distracted to video games which has be personal (and sort of a problem) to me and it’s called Distracted. Underneath are two different versions of my short film, one with Voiceover and one without Voiceover.

Everyday Activity Short Film

This was the first project I have produced in UCW. For this project, we had to create a short film about an everyday activity that we normally do on an everyday basis but change it using the language of ‘cinema’. I chose making a cup of tea and called it Cuppa.


This is my documentary about filmmakers. This was unfortunately delayed because of the global pandemic but it has been completed now. I enjoyed doing this documentary more than the documentary I and 3 other students did back in level 3 year 1 Film and Media production at Weston college. I got a first in this project which I’m really proud of.

Experimental Media Project

On this project, I made a short video containing timelapses of the outside world. I filmed this around the easter holidays and as of the of the global pandemic that was still going on during this time, I could only do filming around Weston. So, I used some archived footage aswell.

Group Project

For this project, I and 4 other students filmed a short film in the Mendips. I was the Producer and 1st AD for this project. Jack Bailey was the Editor in this project.

Other Projects I’ve Created


This was my first project that I did in level 3 year 1 Film and Media production back in Weston College. It was a documentary about bike helmets. I was Producer during this project and although the documentary didn’t come out that good during the editing, me and the others still enjoyed filming it.


For this project, we had to create a trailer and me and my group created a Netflix thriller trailer called Phobophobia. This project was the first time I was able to achieve a distinction on the post production stage and a Merit the whole project for the first time which I was very pleased about. I was the Editor for this project.

Music Video

For this project, we had to create a music video, and me and my group created a music video with the song from the Bee Gees called Stayin’ Alive. Me and my group really enjoyed producing this music video and it even got nominated as one of the top 3 music videos from our year group and got to be shown at the tropicana along side the Year 2’s FMPs. I was the Producer and starred in this music video.

Multi Camera Project

For this project, We had to create a 10-15 minute live multi camera show. Me and two others created the concept of a show called Crep Check and it got chosen as 1 of the 3 ideas to create and we got more people to help for this show. I was the Vision Mixer of our group and I think that this was one of the best projects that I was able to create during my time on level 3 Film and Media production (from the intro jingle to all the mini games to our creps crown for the winning team).

42 Film

We did this at the start of level 3 year 2 Film and Media production at Weston College. This wasn’t a project but more so a task that I and everyone else from my year had to do. We had to go all around North Somerset and other place around the UK and film 42 different companies that have been nominated for an awards ceremony. I filmed and/or edited 5 of the 42 films.

Projects I have worked alongside with

Rough Draft (Will Stephens Your Choice Project)

I helped out Will’s Your Choice Project as mainly a Clapper and Data Wrangler, but also helped a bit as a Production Assistant, a Sound Operator and Runner too. This was the best and most fun production set that I have been on and I loved working alongside all the crew and cast throughout the production week.

It’s Your Body (Kam Stevens Conversation Project)

I helped out Kam’s conversation project out as a Clapper and Data Wrangler. I was given these roles on the day of the shoot and did this for 14 straight hours, it was grueling (as this has been the longest time that I’ve been on a production) but the knowledge I got from this project really paid off.

Martyna Pawlowska


About Me

I have been studying Film and Media Arts Production Foundation Degree (FdA) at Weston College before that I have studied A levels and one of them was media which made me realise I wanted to do Media Production Level 3 course and ever since then I had great interest in media, I love editing and being creative. I love to produce my own work. Currently I’m studying BA Film and Media Arts Production after I finish this year, I would like to go into editing and work for a film company that work’s with different clients.


Films and Projects

Everyday Activity Short Film


Experimental Media Project


Group Short Film - Dream State

Projects Created For BA Film and Media Arts Production Year3

Exploratory Project - The Invisible Pursuer

Major Project - Who’s There?


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About Me

I am a Uni student at University Centre of Weston currently studying a film degree.

I am 19 years old and when I leave Uni I would like to go into the film industry and become a producer.

I started finding my passion for media when I started studying it in school, I then decided to take it on during college and achieved a merit in my level 3 extended diploma course. I have just recently got given a marketing opportunity to take on as a full time role.


Films and Projects

Everyday Activity Short Film


Other Videos I’ve Created

Will Stephens


About Me

I am a young, enthusiastic , independent filmmaker who is currently working towards obtaining a career within the creative media industry. I currently study at UCW Weston College in the first year of a Media and Film Degree course, a subject I am deeply passionate about, and I am keen to pursue it as a career once my education is complete. I have taken towards working within a directing and producing role in my projects, but more recently I have worked to become more versatile as a filmmaker, experimenting with editing, camera operation and sound. I have also worked with various companies in my own time, such as NT Labs, for numerous promotional films and campaigns. As of right now, I am working on numerous projects within my course and will be beginning work on several separate short films with a few independent American filmmakers.

Films and Projects

Everyday Activity Short Film Project

Documentary Project

Group Short Film Project

Experimental Short Film Project

Project Spores Ellie Cosplay Promo Video

NT Labs Promo Videos

Psychological Landscapes Short Film

No Dialogue Short Film

“Your Choice” Final Short Film

“It’s Your Body” Short Film

F*** Tony Stark Music Video

Will Stephens Project Showreel



About Me

I am currently studying Film And Media Arts Production at UCW and I am the Director of Black Arts Media Entertainment. A company who intends to bridge the gap in the film industry and give a voice and a platform to those who struggle to get heard.



Film Projects

Everyday Activity


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Group Short Film Project

Experimental Media Project


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Other Videos I’ve Created

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About Me

I'm Kasha a film degree student who is passionate about all aspects of media especially filmmaking.  Alongside my passion for filmmaking, I enjoy photography and textiles both have helped me throughout various different projects.

​In my current course, I have learnt so much about the media industry and have gained many diverse skills such as animation, editing, Photoshop, camera work and many more. I have also learned a variety of different roles within the industry such as director, producer, camera ops, runner. Doing roles such as these has helped me figure out my passion within media which is to become a producer as I love to be part of the whole project and lead a strong team.  


Films and Projects

Everyday Activity Short Film


Experimental Media Project

Video Block
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Other Videos I’ve Created

We are very proud of the work our students have produced over the years our course has been running. Please click on names on this page to view cohort which started in 2020,  use links below to see work from other year groups, Enjoy. 

BA Film & Media Arts 2022+

BA Film & Media Arts 2021+

FdA Film 2020+

FdA Film 2020+

Film & Lens Based Media 2019+

FDA Film 2018+

FdA Film 2017+

FdA Film 2016+

FdA Film 2015+

FdA Film 2014+

FdA Film 2013+

Course info

Course info

All Guests